Thursday, October 1, 2009

Conan Banned, Letterman Blackmailed

The Tonight Show
After making a few jokes about Newark, New Jersey the mayor of that city, apparently drunk with power, took offense and actually banned him from the airport. There's a phrase that asks more questions than it answers. For a full video recap, see the following:

[Video Deleted]

A local news broadcast actually ran a story called "Conan Banned From New Jersey". Never mind that he was only "banned" from one specific airport within New Jersey, we want a headline! As if the whole state has turned against him, waiting at the turnpike to stab him in the heart. Factual accuracy is for suckers.

The Late Show
Dave Letterman announced that he is being blackmailed. Arriving one morning at his car, he found that there was a box and a note saying, in effect, "I Know What You Did". Apparently someone has written a "tell all" book and movie script about all the bad things Mr. Letterman has done and has threatened to release it unless he recieves 2 million dollars. Letterman contacted the authorities and said he spoke before a grand jury earlier today.

The long and short of the "allegations" is that David had sex with some women who work (or worked) on his show. When he said that it was true, I thought it was a joke and the audience laughed. But he was actually being serious.

Dave explained all of this at the top of his show. For a comedy show, it was very strange. The whole thing is just odd. News Story Link. Video Link.

Late Night
Only 3 days until The Christopher Cross & The Roots Yacht Rock Party. It's so exciting my eyes are shooting lasers that freeze stuff and then shooting fireballs that thaw the stuff that was just frozen. WHAT?!

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