Saturday, April 27, 2024

Popcorn in Bed - Star Trek TNG Season 3

More Star Traaaak. Cassie believes that the ship's seats should have seat belts. This is most logical. Likely TNG has no seat belts because the original series didn't have them. And the original series didn't have them because it was made before they were invented. What is past is future.

And Shooter McGavin shows up.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The History of The Oregon Trail

 The game, not the actual trail.

The history of video games is not even a particular interest of mine but these documentaries are so well made, I get sucked in. Kudos to The Gaming Historian, check out his channel if you have any interest at all. It's a thousand pounds of entertainment even though I can only carry 15 pounds back to the wagon.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Happy National Beagle Day


Happy National Beagle Day to all who celebrate! 

Ok, I know it's not particularly new and original to point out the fact that we are long since past the point where there’s a special day for everything in the world. But I do want to use this opportunity to both celebrate and reveal the ultimate Beagle Day irony.

I happen to own a Beagle calendar. Each month, it reveals a new cute photo of a Beagle living life. It also notes all the special occasions and holidays for me so that I don’t have to. Do you know what day the Beagle calendar doesn’t have? National Beagle Day. Unreal. Unreal and outrageous.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

BOTW - Cade: The Tortured Crossing


Speaking of bad movies, Neil Breen has a new one. Well, not "new" but RLM spaces these things out a bit.

If an hour and twenty minutes is too long for you, you can skip to 45 minutes to get the short recap.

But if you do have the time to watch the full episode, then if you've come this far perhaps you can come a little farther. Read the description on the youtube page.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Rifftrax - Galaxy Invader


I don't believe I've ever seen a Don Dohler film before. Everything I know about him is from the frequent mentions by Red Letter Media. The impression they give is that his films are all people wandering around the woods and often in the dark. (And also rundown houses are a "Don Dohler House")

Well, it is that, but I was pleasantly surprised that it's not as dreary as it sounds. It's goofy enough that it stays fairly fun.

And if you're wondering what that crazy accent is, this was filmed in Maryland.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Popcorn in Bed - Steel Magnolias


Are you ready for a chick flick? Are you ready to get EMOTIONAL. Time for "Steel Magnolias," if you can handle it.

You can read my weak observations on "Steel Magnolias" here.

This movie was right in the middle of an epic run of theater-going. October 1989 was "Look Who's Talking" and "The Bear"; November 1989 was "Back to the Future II" and "Steel Magnolias"; December 1989 was "The Wizard." Then January of 1990 was "Driving Miss Daisy" and February was "Glory" and it just goes on.

One thing I never noticed before. The old guy who's a love interest for Shirley MacLaine... that's friggin' Dropo, the laziest man on Mars from "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians." Holy moly.