Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Stefon - Your NYC Guide

SNL "Weekend Update" correspondent Stefon gives us the 411 on popular New York City tourist attractions.

If there's one thing I know about comedy it's that if you're having trouble keeping a straight face in a scene, DO NOT mention midgets or dwarves.

America's Got Talent

If there's one thing to be learned from "America's Got Talent" it's that America does not... got talent.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Eminem Is Serious Business

With Eminem and Jay-Z on the show, Dave is a little scared.

He's had Jay-Z on the show before so he's okay with that, but Eminem has never been on the show before and Dave confides to the audience that he senses Eminem wants to punch him. He doesn't know why exactly... but he does get that vibe.

When Eminem comes on to present a Top Ten List, it's quite a funny list, but the audience senses the (possible) tension. And Eminem's body language does nothing to disprove Dave's theory.

You can see the look Dave gives after "Thanks for having me" as if to say, "See, I'm in dangerrr."

Friday, June 25, 2010

Letterman - Beavis and Butthead

Recently I've been using Netflix to revisit the old "Beavis and Butthead" episodes. I've found that the comedy holds up all these years later and have really been enjoying my trips back to the early to mid nineties. The only complaint is that none of the "Beavis and Butthead" content includes any of the footage where they watch, and provide commentary for, music videos. Presumably this is a digital rights issue and it sucks because that was my favorite parts of the show. (It was cool. Digital rights suck).

All of this reminded me of when B&B were on Letterman to promote their new movie. I remember watching this when it aired and thinking about how it was all done. But it's been years since I thought about it and it's really well done. (This is cool).

Though not mentioned, you might recall a scene in the movie "Beavis and Butthead Do America" where they meet two idiotic drifters who, we as the audience learn, are Beavis and Butthead's fathers. According to the credits, Butthead's father is played by Earl Hofert which is really an alias for David Letterman, himself. The Earl Hofert name comes from Dave's Uncle Earl who was sometimes mentioned on the show. Most famously, Uncle Earl once said, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty..." to the Thanksgiving turkey. (Uncle Earl was stupid).

Monday, June 21, 2010

Soccer... Yes, it's called "Soccer"

Normally, when the whole world is wrapped up in World Cup fever and Americans remain totally uninterested, I would make a blog post espousing the virtues of the game - I find the gigantic playing field aesthetically pleasing and the constant angular passes aesthetically pleasing somehow and the quick and dynamic/improvisational strategy aspect can be very exciting when it works - but instead it seems the whole country seems to have soccer fever so I'm going the other way. Soccer, as a sport is very weak.

First off, there's no clock. Sure, there's a corner of the TV with an ascending time display but that's not the real time. Only the referee knows how much time is left. Why? What are you hiding? Why would you make a sport with no discernible amount of time left? When are the fans supposed to get excited that time is running out?

Second, the low scoring. People who advocate lower-scoring sports say that the few goals makes it more exciting. People who advocate higher-scoring sports say that the constant scoring makes those sports more exciting. They both have a point in a way. Such arguments can be true but they're only the subjective "excitement" test is only obscuring the real issue. There is an objective advantage to higher-scoring sports: the higher score increases the "granularity" of the game. That is, more scoring means that more often the better team wins. I don't care if you assemble the best soccer team ever assembled and you're up against the Asthmatic All-Stars of Chernobyl - the ball takes a crazy bounce off one of the mutated weaklings' nads and bounces into the net for a goal, 90 minutes later the game ends and there you have it: unlike, say, basketball where the dream team rocks your face off and sets the net on fire, you just watched your dream team lose to Beavis and Butthead because of dumb luck.

Third: officiating. You combine bad calls with the "lottery" aspect of low scoring and you have referees, not players, deciding games. The US vs. Slovenia game was enough proof of that. That's right Europe, no one wants to see an outcome determined by the hard work and excellent play of professional athletes ("republicanism"), we want a moron referee to make unilateral decisions that are one hair away from being on par with the WWE ("monarchy"). "Someone make an 'And 1 Mixtape' of referee officiating! Quick! It's my favorite!" Every sport has officiating problems, no one gets it right all the time and no one feels good when they get it wrong but soccer is unique in that, more than any other sport (or more than the other major sports), the bad calls DECIDE or CAN DECIDE the outcome.

Fourth: Ties. What kind of a sick sport - already plagued by low scoring - DOESN'T have an overtime system? It's understandable when a sport decides to implement some limit in the amount of play and allow ties but not even a single overtime period? Not one second more? "Well, we played 90 minutes" - or SOMEWHERE AROUND 90 minutes plus whatever the ref is feeling today - "and we haven't determined a winner yet, but let's stop right there. There will be no winners today." "But maybe we could play longer and see if another goal happens." "NO! It's much better when you leave things in an indeterminate state of emotional confusion." "What about playing, say, 5 minutes, just 5 minutes more." "NO TIME."

Fifth: the vuvuzela. Everyone is well aware of this one so I'll use this space to describe a delicious anecdote of sweet justice. The Florida Marlins recently had a promotion where the first 15,000 fans to the ballpark (I say "the first 15,000" though it's doubtful the Marlins could get that many in total) received a free vuvuzela giveaway. And can you believe it, it was annoying! The noise was unbearable (shock!), it annoyed and pained many fans (who could have predicted?!) and the players and officials took to wearing earplugs (monocle pop!). But the best part is that when the Marlins coach made a lineup change in the ninth inning, the umpire didn't hear and called it illegal which lead to the Marlins losing the game. There is justice in the world.

Sixth, and frankly this is the whole point of the article here... the flops. Sit back and enjoy the histrionics of retarded teenage girls... I mean, muscle-bound titans of sport ... and see if you don't die a little inside.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

World Currency Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes

The makers of "The Front Fell Off" and "The Games" are back with a brand new invention. This time they're out to explain the current state of various European economies/governments. It's billed as "World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes" but it's more specifically about governments and currencies. The term "World Collapse" just seems problematic.

Spoiler: the entire "Who's on First" scenario only comes about when a nation's currency is not backed by a tangible, limited resource such as gold or silver. When money becomes decoupled from anything physical (other than paper), then governments are free to spend as much as they want. How are they going to pay it all off? Print more money.

I'd call this "Tax on the Ignorant". That's to say that if the government raised taxes by 20% to legitimately pay for a bunch of crap there would be outrage. People would protest, they'd question the expenditures, things would probably get cut. If, however, they simply print more money, the public is still paying for it but they're not smart enough to care. When the thousand dollars I have in the bank goes down in value by 50% in 10 years, that's ok. The number of dollars in the bank still says "$1000", so everything 's fine. And when that amount goes down in value by 50% over the next 10 years and so on, and so on, the number of dollars is still 1000 which is still the same amount, right?

Remix The Clips #3

Questlove remixes the clips. That "Bachelorette" clip is painful. So glad I don't watch that show.

Apparently this is a new weekly bit so watch for it every Thursday.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Truth About Japanese Food

A hidden camera investigation reveals the truth about Japanese food and it's not pretty:

I'm glad I haven't eaten that much of it, I don't feel as bad now.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Who Cares Wins: Hobby Edition

Another tutorial from the folks at Video Vision has been uncovered. This one instructs the viewer as to how to pick and properly execute a hobby. Solid infotainment!

Flag Day

Well it's Flag Day again (or it was) and Kirk has written a song about it. In the past, all of Kirk's holiday-themed songs have been slightly on the side of inappropriate. But this one promises to be different. In the end, I think it's all in the interpretation.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Silent Film Story in the Monologue

No spoilers. Quite short. Will be deleted soon. Awesome.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The BP Oil Spill: An Anthem

Never let anyone tell you that the spirit of the sixties is dead. Jimmy Fallon, with special help from The Roots, has written a protest song concerning the BP oil spill in the gulf. And it's every bit as powerful as "If I Had a Hammer". Anyone who says any different is a commie. Power to the people.

Note: No one knows who the cowboy in the back is or where he comes from. When asked in an interview The Roots didn't even know what the person was talking about and we're shocked when they saw the video replay.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Would-Be Viral Video

As an attempt at a bit, Jimmy Fallon gave Questlove, of Roots fame, a few popular clips from the web and asked him to "remix" them for the show. The "Watch Jimmy With Jimmy" webisode revealed that he was literally given these clips an hour before the show.

Watch the results here:

It's a crime that this is not an actual clip. Rather, it's linked as a "clip" that I made from the hulu video of the entire episode and will therefore be deleted in a few days. So sad. I love it.