Saturday, June 26, 2010

Eminem Is Serious Business

With Eminem and Jay-Z on the show, Dave is a little scared.

He's had Jay-Z on the show before so he's okay with that, but Eminem has never been on the show before and Dave confides to the audience that he senses Eminem wants to punch him. He doesn't know why exactly... but he does get that vibe.

When Eminem comes on to present a Top Ten List, it's quite a funny list, but the audience senses the (possible) tension. And Eminem's body language does nothing to disprove Dave's theory.

You can see the look Dave gives after "Thanks for having me" as if to say, "See, I'm in dangerrr."

1 comment:

  1. Everytime I see Dave "Make a face", I am filled with the notion that David Letterman is nothing more than a living Caricature of David Letterman.
