Thursday, October 7, 2021

Rad - The Bart Taylor Magazine Article

With the HD quality of the new Rad trailer, we can finally read the magazine article Cru reads about Bart Taylor:




The Man.


He hasn't lost a race yet. Bart "The Man" Taylor has ripped up the pro class for the last three years. At the U.S. Open in Long Beach, California last month, Bart carted home a hefty $25,000 for the win, giving him an easy lead going into Hell Track in Cochran, Oregon, where the title of No. 1 Pro will be decided.

Of course, Bart will be the favorite to grab the glory at Hell Track, starting with the brand spankin' new '86 Corvette that goes with the pro win. His heavy pursuit of the No. 1 [place?] has given him very little free time for surfing or kicking back at his new condo right on Zuma Beach.

The blond-haired swoop master claims that his constant workout on his bike while on the road keeps him in shape for the national BMX circuit.

On and off the track, Bart's the dude to watch. No one comes close. You might remember last year's grandnational, when Taylor lapped half the pack -- that was KILLER. Also, rumor has it that he's been attempting countless swoops on this year's number one national girl and Mongoose teammate, Christian. No luck with her yet, but he's got groupies to spare. Ah, the spoils of being the best.


 A few thoughts. 

This one throwaway prop alters forever my perspective of the entire movie. Bart has been competing for 3 straight years and hasn't lost even a single race? Not even 2nd place? Every great athlete loses at least sometime. If he had merely been the best rider, I'd believe Cru could prove himself to be the superior rider but now I think that's very unlikely. Bart must have won too much, became too satisfied and lost his edge.

The other thing is: I love that they mention, in a magazine article, that Bart is hitting on Christian. If they're going out, that'd be one thing but if he's hitting on her and getting rejected, why does that make it into a magazine? And then they go the opposite direction and talk about how he's got "groupies to spare," geez. Would that really happen? Sure, it was a completely different era and I have no knowledge of BMX magazines but it seems wacky.

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