Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Korean Snack Reviews #4

 The last time I did one of these it was July. In fact, we're coming up on the 1 Year Anniversary of the start of this. This is not how it was supposed to go.

Well, anyways...


Translated Name: Whale Food


These are light crackers, about the size of Goldfish crackers. They look like this:

They have a taste that's hard to describe but I would best reckon it as "seaweed." They're not for me, wouldn't recommend.


Translated Name: Roasted Grain <Something>


I have a sneaking suspicion that the photo above is upside down but there's nothing I can do about it. This is a very light, airy crust surrounding a very light cream. It looks like this:

It's hard to describe because I have nothing to compare it to. And it's so light, it's almost like eating nothing at all. There's some salt, some sweet, some cereal taste, some crunch. Ultimately I wouldn't recommend it but it's so light, I can't have a strong opinion.


Translated Text: Juice Made from Ground Up Pears


This is one of the snacks I've been looking forward to the most. Within the large box of various snacks, the one can of soda stood out like a sore thumb. It's an exotic soda and I'm all about exotic sodas. 

Now, although it was made of pears, I really felt a strong Macintosh apple taste. Very sweet and good. And they really sell the "real pear" thing because when you get to the bottom, there's grit and pulp particles.

And although it's maybe a little strange that it's pear and I think it tastes like apples, here's where it gets stranger still. I tasted in this drink a lot of Fanta Grape. I would never have connected pear or apple to Grape Fanta before this but I'm telling you the overlap is there. Very strange. Good stuff, I say.


Translated Name: Sand Ace

Additional Text: Yogurt Cream. More Soft.


Vanilla crackers sandwiching vanilla cream. They're a bit like Vienna Fingers except crackers rather than cookies/biscuits. In fact, the crackers have a bit of a salty taste. Quite good.


Translated Name: Green Tea


Fun fact: I can't try Green Tea because I have a weird allergic (or something) reaction to it. The only symptom it causes that I really wish to talk about is it makes me dizzy, causing the world to spin slowly and makes it hard to walk a straight line. It's like being drunk, in short. I still remember walking down the hall at work and stumbling back and forth, trying to get my balance. Very strange.

Needless to say I didn't try this one but I'm going to go ahead and assume that the Green Tea tastes like Green Tea.

And that's it. Next Time: Japan Snacks #4.

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