Monday, February 8, 2010

The Worst Video Game Ever?

Trying to pin down a "Worst Video Game Ever" would be a tough task. There are a number of factors (graphics, sound, playability, challenge, fun, control) to try to judge. And even if you could judge them, how could you weigh them? Would it be worse to have an Atari "giant block" mess with no soundtrack or a 64-bit game that's monotonous and boring. Would it be worse to have an 8-bit Nintendo game with a first level that can't be beaten or would it be worse to play a state-of-the-art computer game with a bug that causes your computer to crash? Is it worse to have a game consisting of a single boring level or would it be worse to have 8 boring levels?

And on top of the fact that it's a very tough, very subjective decision that depends on many disparate factors, it's also a decision that I would have no authority to speak about. I played as much as the next guy in the past but that would be about 1/10000 of 1% of all the games out there and my current average is 0 games per day.

Nevertheless, as hard as the decision is and as ill-informed as I am, I CAN say that if a contest for "Worst Video Game Ever Made" were to take place, the game "Plumbers Don't Wear Ties" should DEFINITELY be a finalist. It's just so clear that it's that bad. I'll allow the Angry Video Game Nerd to make the case in his review. A word of caution: this isn't safe for work.

Not the funniest review by any means but the badness of the "game" is at a level that has to be seen to be believed.

1 comment:

  1. How can you hate on this masterpiece? I mean it had outtakes that were SO GOOD they left them in!
