Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The other day on the weather they displayed a graphic that read, "Thundersnow". Aside from thinking, "that's a great band name", I was puzzled. Never heard the phrase before in my life. Even stranger was that (assuming it means the same thing as "Thunderstorm" but with the snow) I realized that I don't think I've ever seen that happen in my life and I had never thought about it.

According to wikipedia, thundersnow "is a rare thunderstorm with snow falling as the primary precipitation instead of rain. It commonly falls in regions of strong upward motion within the cold sector of extratropical cyclones between autumn and spring when surface temperatures are most likely to be near or below freezing. Variations exist, such as thundersleet, where the precipitation consists of ice pellets rather than snow." So it is what it sounds like.

Hopefully I get to see it. The best would be if it happened at night. I just picture a dark sky, lit up by lightning and the lightning lighting up all the snow around it. It must look amazing.

Here's the forecast for the Baltimore area. I have to say it sounds much better for that area than it does for here. Or worse. I don't know.

Oh, those Russians.

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