Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Worst Impression In the World Or: Why Is Ashton Kutcher Famous?

Want to see the worst impression ever done on national television? Sure, we all do. It happened during a "The View" sketch in this week's SNL. Ashton Kutcher comes on as Mel Gibson...

And so here it is... Ashton Kutcher's "Mel Gibson impression" (if you feel the need to get right to it, skip to 3:40): [Embedding disabled so click here.]


There it is. The worst impression by anyone ever.

But why is Ashton Kutcher hosting Saturday Night Live to begin with? If you feel you can justifiably answer that question, I invite you to watch the rest of the show and prove yourself to be 100% wrong in every way. He can't act. He's not funny. He can't deliver a joke. He can't dance, he can't sing, he exhibits no special talents of any kind whatsoever. I would question whether he can even read except that's the only way I can explain what he was doing in the sketches - staring at a cue card and reading the words he sees as he sees them. So there's no possible reason for him to be on SNL, but much more importantly there's no reason he should be famous at all. If my uncle had been the host of SNL this week, he'd of done a horrible job but it would still have made more sense than Ashton Kutcher.

The most annoying answer to the question, "How is Ashton Kutcher famous?" is that it's because he's married to Demi Moore. Is that really how it works though? If you marry someone famous you get to be in commercials, in movies, on tv or hosting SNL? Steven Spielberg's really famous, would it be a good idea for her to host SNL? I can do even better... Jamie Kennedy had a short-lived hidden camera show and is dating Jennifer Love Hewitt; Jamie Kennedy would make a great SNL host. How 'bout it?!

1 comment:

  1. There was one small window of time where I liked Ashton Kutcher, which took place in the span of the first and only time I watched "The Butterfly Effect".

    I have not seen it since, so I don't care to hear that I shouldn't have enjoyed it because if I watch it again I probably won't.

    That said, this is, as mentioned, the worst impression of anyone ever in the history of things. Ashton Kutcher is bad at acting, hosting SNL and everything else including riding bikes.
