Monday, February 1, 2010


The final season of LOST begins tonight on ABC with a special two hour premier. We'll all hopefully remember and adjust to the fact that it's now airing every Tuesday for some reason. If you need a refresher on what's happened so far, see this informative video.

Here's a really good interview of Evangeline Lilly. It's always funny to watch her being interviewed by someone who doesn't understand the show (Letterman) but it's also fun to see her interviewed by someone who does. Nothing is revealed either way.

In the interview, she says that she recently turned 30. 30?! That's only one year older than me! My whole life has been wasted. [Speaking of wasted life, this is post #100 by the way.]

They briefly mention "The Hurt Locker" which is appropriate because she's only in it briefly. But it's a pretty good movie (and it'll almost certainly be nominated for Best Picture) - worth checking out if you're in the mood for an intense action/drama.

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