Thursday, September 2, 2021

Mr. T (Not) on Teamo Supremo (2002)


Ever find an error on imdb?

According to imdb, Mr. T appears in one episode of the kids' cartoon "Teamo Supremo" playing the character "Mr. Gruff".

So I watched it - or, started watching it. It was clear as soon as the character of Mr. Gruff speaks that it's not Mr. T but someone doing a Mr. T-like voice. However, the plot of the episode involves a Batman-like scheme where Mr. Gruff's voice is stolen and put into the water supply such that all of the citizens in the city start talking exactly like Mr. Gruff. It seemed possible, then, that among all the Mr. Gruffs, they might sneak in Mr. T as someone sort of like an Easter egg.

But the show sucks and I lost patience and just skipped to the credits. I confirmed that Mr. T is not in the episode. 

Wikipedia confirms this. It credits Mr. Gruff as being voiced by Clancy Brown.

Here are the credited voice actors, in case proof be needed. No Mr. T.

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