Thursday, October 8, 2020

What is the Value of a Dollar?

 One of the things you're supposed to be taught when you're a kid is "the value of a dollar". I've never I've technically learned that in that the value of a dollar seems to always be changing. But I've learned the lesson, in essence, since I'm pretty cheap.

So my cheap self is shopping Amazon for "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen. The second result that comes up costs $1 and looks like this...

But the FIRST result that comes up is FREE and looks like this...

 So now I guess my cheapness has run up against my sense of reason and vanity. Is it worth one dollar to not have a book with a cheap Dime Store Romance Novel cover in my library - for my sense of self, no never have to explain what this book is, to let reason prevail? Or is the cover a book unimportant and free is free?

A third option is to just grab the free version from Project Gutenberg they went with this cover:

I mean... it's better. But what were they thinking? That's a Math book from 1986. Jane Austen wrote Romances in the Victorian era, her works are considered classics, it just makes no sense.

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