Tuesday, May 12, 2020

JonTron - Kid Nation

[Edit: Oh good, it's doing that thing again where embedded youtube videos disappear. Here is the link.]

I never understood the uproar that this show caused. First off, it's obvious that the claim of "no adults" is a lie, every second they're there they're there's an adult with them. The best part is when the kids talk to the camera about how weird it is to not have adults while an adult holds the camera and asked the question. Secondly, for generations, American kids used to go to Summer Camp. How is this worse than Summer Camp? It's better. There are no cameras at Summer Camp. Also, they don't periodically ask the kids if they want to go home at Summer Camp (as far as I know).

Not saying the premise interests me in the slightest, just that I didn't see what the big deal was.

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