Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today was National Take Your Child to Work Day 2011. I enjoyed it but I feel the name should be changed to the more accurate "National Torture Your Child Day". Maybe that's too accurate. Maybe "National Bore Your Child to Death Day".

When I was a kid my parents showed me around where they work and introduced me to their coworkers. It was fun and fascinating. Even if your parents have the most boring job in the world it seems exciting and important. At one point my dad worked for a printing company and I got to see the giant printing press with gears and levers and it was cool. But it was a visit. It was a tour. It was a look around. I was there for about a half hour... maybe 45 minutes. Tops. Do you have any idea how long an 8 hour work day is when you're a kid? You're a little kid and you spend 8 hours sitting in a chair staring at a cubicle wall. That's TORTURE. That's the adult equivalent of 3 days in a desensitization chamber. And that's illegal! Even I'M watching the clock in that cubicaled, fluorescent light environment and I'm an adult and I've got something to do... And I'm getting paid to be there.

Poor kids.

1 comment:

  1. At Nissan we do a morning presentation then lunch with dad or mom then kick them the heck out. Child torture is wrong. Heck, adult torture is wrong, but at least we get paid.
