Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Would Do Anything For Lunch

Meatloaf, fresh off his trip into the dark abyss of arts-and-crafts-induced insanity, rises like a bat out of hell and joins Jimmy for a rousing tribute to Bagel Bites.

Soak in the passion:

You might remember these commercials (among others referenced). The song STILL gets stuck in my head.

1 comment:

  1. I think I saw this on one of the rare occasions I watched Jimmy live. Meatloaf was great!

    Also, the commercials were classic, and two things strike me:

    1. The production quality on commercials in the 90's was total shit.

    2. The Bagel Bites box looks almost identical 15 years later, as I recently purchased and ate a box a few weeks ago.
