Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pros and Cons or Something

"Pros and Cons" is a regular feature on Late Night but it's usually kind of a waste of time. "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" is supposed to be about being weird and different. But "Pros and Cons" is the one piece they do that's no different from a million different comedy bits done by a million different talk shows throughout history.

But this one rises above that, due mainly to the amount of derailment and improvisation about the "Old Timey" days of radio and myspace. And also the reference to "Macho Man" Randy Savage.

1 comment:

  1. Geocities, Earthlink,, Welcome, you've got mail, metacrawler and Angelfire. That about covers that.

    I used to do all my myspacing on my Model T, just had to keep the fluids topped off.

    That said, I like that he doesn't even bother with the Jennifer Lopez joke. Too obvious, too easy. For shame.
