Friday, October 29, 2010

Late Night - 10/28 Greatest Show Ever?

The Late Night episode from Thursday, October 28th was unusually good. It may be the best "Late Night" ever (of the Jimmy Fallon era). The show had "Remix the Clips", "Head Swap Vol. 6", "If Puppies Could Vote" and the first guest was Dana Carvey who's one of the best guests any talk show could have. Plus, The Roots collaborated with Mr. Carvey on a performance of "Choppin' Broccolli" - one of my favorite skits of all-time.

I couldn't decide whether to post a whole bunch of the clips of the show or just the full episode so I'm doing both.

If you have some spare time, I highly recommend you watch the full episode here.


Remix The Clips Part 1:

Remix The Clips Part 2:

Head Swap Vol. 6:

Dana Carvey - Choppin' Broccolli

Puppies Predict Politics:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, where to begin:

    First, Dana Carvey: Big fan. Funny story: he was in one of the Halloween movies way back when.

    I was not a fan of Jimmy re-enacting the broken chair man. Yah Jim, I saw it the first time.

    Headswap is always a big winner for me. This one started slow, but I ended up enjoying it. +5 points for the congo line. Congo lines are deadly, they can start anyway. Additionally, "just one drink... shot shot shot shot shot" is the story of my life. Fabulous!

    BONUS ROUND! State farm commercial with really really cute girls in it....thanks Hulu!

    Wow.. in his old age, Dana Carvey (who looks good honestly) reminds me of Martin Short. Odd. I also get a little hint of Gene Wilder. I like it.

    The song reminds me of Stairway to Heaven, which is (word misuse incoming!!!) ironic, because Wayne's World launched the later-to-be-famous trend of "No Stairway to Heaven". There's a sign that says that at my local Guitar Center. Jimmy's backup vocals are not half bad either.

    The puppies, by the way... correctly predicted Kirk's victory.
