Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Classic Roots Choice #15? You Decide!

Richard Belzer was on the show yesterday. For his intro, The Roots played "After these messages, we'll be right back!" a few times in a row. I immediately recognized this as ABC's Saturday Morning bumper theme:

I do realize that the phrase itself could be from anything, but the melody, as sung, IDs it exactly. Trust me. But that recognition (as proud as I am, and make no mistake, I am way too proud about something utterly trivial) is only half the story. What's the connection between Richard Belzer and ABC Saturday Morning/that phrase/that song? Do you know?

I have two theories:
  1. Richard Belzer started his career as a crowd warmer for Saturday Night Live. So Saturday Night... Saturday Morning. This is unsatisfying as an answer because the link seems pretty tenuous - it's basically just a day of the week, and how many things in the world involve the word "Saturday"?
  2. In the infamous Hulk Hogan "Sleeper Hold" episode, Richard Belzer was knocked out (supposedly) but regained consciousness in time to throw to a commercial. Possibly. Still, he doesn't use this phrase exactly and throwing to commercial is such a common thing.
  3. If you look at the "Three Singer" bumpers, the man looks an awful lot like Richard Belzer. This would be a good link but it would be too good. Seems unlikely that anyone would consider song choices for Richard Belzer and recognize that he looks a lot like a claymation figure in a 10 second video from 20 years ago. If anyone DID do this, I truly would have to take my hat off to them... HAT off, not my head though.
What else could it be?

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