Tuesday, September 25, 2012

IMDB 250 8.3 - The Avengers (2012)

The Avengers (2012)

Plot: Okay, so there's this guy who's like a guy or a god - or an alien? or a god alien - and he comes from another dimension or another planet or he's from Earth originally - but he's from somewhere else now. I think he uses a portal of energy - is it a blackhole? - I think they describe it as a door. And he can erase people's brains or steal their soul or something.... and Samuel L. Jackson is there and he causes it somehow.... Maybe he doesn't. Aw, Hell, I don't know....

Plot: Hulk Smash!

I was never into comic books and, of the movies preceding "The Avengers", I've only seen "Iron Man". That means there's a lot I don't know about who the characters are and what they do. And there's a lot  I don't know about their backstory and what the hell any of what they're doing really means. That means there are a few chunks of plot exposition that I don't follow at all - a sizable detraction from the enjoyment. But the bottom line is that when the fists start flying, it's supremely obvious who the good guys are and who the bad guys are.

One of the aspects of action movies that's become tiresome and cliche is the need for "comic relief". It isn't enough that James Bond offs a dude, he has to make a bad pun afterwards to no one in particular. One of the great things about this movie is that the jokes work. Credit to Joss Whedon, the humor is smart and genuinely funny. Part of the reason the humor works is because the characters work as well. Behind the explosions and CGI, we get a sense of these very different personalities, all coming together and agreeing, disagreeing, squabling, getting on each other's nerves and everything else a family is supposed to do.

In short, this movie is exactly what it's supposed to be - it's a fun summer "popcorn" movie. It's a big-budget special effects escapist blockbuster. It's exciting, it's loud and it's engaging. Of course, no one really needs my review because everyone's already seen it.

Total Top "250" Movies Seen: 364.

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