Sunday, May 23, 2010


The last episode of "Lost" aired tonight and it was pretty amazing. I don't have the time or energy to go into specifics but I thought it was beautiful. I thought after all the speculation and expectation the last episode was a "homerun". In fact, it was a "grand slam homerun". It was one of the greatest things I've ever seen on television... until the surprise ending. And, as so often happens, I still don't know how I feel about that last twist. And so it's hard to summarize - the first 99% was 110% awesomeness and then the end just left me confused.

I predicted the final "Lost" image but I only did that a few minutes before it happened and probably by then it was "obvious". I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner though. For years, Matthew Fox had said that he knew the last image of the series and it seems so obvious in retrospect, I can't believe I didn't think of it.

In regards to the final twist ending, I do have at least two clues. The first can be seen in Jimmy Kimmel's interview with the cast. The other comes from way back in Season 2. During WMMR's Lost discussion after Season 2 Episode 13 someone called in to talk about a specific book reference in that episode. Although at the time it was just another reference in a sea of references, I think it's now more relevant. Though certainly not a full explanation, it's at least significant I would say. More here.

I have to say, not all the drama was on-screen. I remember where I was and what was going on in my life when I started watching the show. And I remember what my life was like when I started watching the first season regularly. And everything that's happened to me since then up to this point (although it gets fuzzy in some of the middle parts). Looking back at the show and how the characters have changed made me look back at my own life and everything that's happened to me in that time and how my life has changed. I know that's a cliche but so be it. The only cliches I mind are ones that don't ring true.

Best television drama ever.

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