Friday, August 11, 2023

Revealing the True Identity of D.B. Cooper

 "Another mystery post? What is this, "Unsolved Mysteries?" Who do you think you are, Robert Stack?"

Not hardly. No, this is different and for two very important reasons:

1) Other videos I've posted on Jack the Ripper were extremely well made with painstaking production value. Whereas this one is terrible.

2) The other videos explain the mystery without a definitive resolution. This video solves the case.

In part 2, the video from 0:00 up to 36:00 is pertinent to the conclusions of part 1. It involves the discovery of a "smoking gun" and therefore highly recommended if you've watched part 1. 

Everything from 36:00 on is solely devoted from the case to examining the FBI's actions in the shooting of "D.B. Cooper."

I don't know whether you know about the story of D.B. Cooper, I assume everyone does. (Here's Rich Evans explaining.) D.B. Cooper was never found and the case remains unsolved to this day.

But as I say, this video claims to have solved the case and I am convinced. But I'm also annoyed that I have to watch 4 hours of video when the pertinent information could be edited down to 40 minutes to an hour. I don't usually use the term "Boomer" as a criticism but this is Boomered to the toppermost. There's no other way to put it. Pointless segments, slow pacing, clueless camerawork, making it unnecessarily personal, extraneous exposition, basically extraneous everything, and so on. Somewhere in the second hour we're treated to a tour of D.B.Cooper's home and I have to admit, I was not interested in learning where the TV and the couch were. Call me crazy. Somewhere in hour 3, I'm watching video of people in a van finding a place to park and shouting "could this have been edited out?!" 

"No, the people need to see the parking of the van. Tell the world." 

Ponderous, man. Ponderous.

But that's the long and short of it: good information, the chance to find out the true identity of D.B. Cooper - one of the all-time greatest mysteries - but if you get into it, go in knowing that it's going to be a slog. You decide for yourself; choose your own adventure.

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