Sunday, February 12, 2023

Watermelon Eating Tutorial

 [Editor's Note: The original watermelon tutorial video was made private. I don't know why. So the original has been replaced with another watermelon tutorial.]

It was quite a long while ago that I shared The Old Man Eats Watermelon video. A friend recently alerted me to the fact that I'm missing out on his similar but less viral other hit: the watermelon eating tutorial.

I have to say, according to this video, I have been eating watermelon wrong for my entire life. I daresay no one in the world, except for this guy, has been eating it correctly. I believe strongly that I will not attempt the correct method at any point in the future.

The topic does raise a... topic... though. The question is: how much watermelon can you eat in one sitting? Winter is decreasing but still prevalent. But I plan, as of now, that when the weather is right, I will attempt to answer this question for myself. A man needs something to look forward to, after all.

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