Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Cortland Apple - A Review

 In our last installment, "The SweeTango Apple - A Review," I noted that the lowest rated apple was the Newtown Pippin Apple and stated that I would try to find one. I still haven't found any, nor have I found the second-lowest rated apple. Ah, but the third-lowest rated apple is the Cortland Apple, which was readily available and purchased by me.

The AppleRankings review for Cortland describes it as a "damp hacky sack left outside a frat house all winter..." And we have a problem.

Tasting the Cortland Apple and... I love it. It's great! While I'm not an expert, I have had a fair amount of different varieties of apple, I have disliked a great many of them and I find the Cortland has to be one of my favorites. It's super sweet and "appley." I'm trying to figure out exactly what AppleRankings had a problem with. The apples I got were ultra-soft - so if crispness is a criteria, I can see them knocking these. But I reject crispness as a criteria. If apples need to be hard, we need to write off all apple sauce and I am not prepared to do that.

Apples are famously inexact. I'm not willing to guess that AppleRankings got a bad batch - I think they're doing multiple samples to ensure accuracy. But I'm willing to allow the possibility that I got a particularly good batch. Still, the Red Delicious has an overall score of 25 and there is simply no way therefore, that the Cortland deserves to be 1 lower at 24 when it's so superior. 

My world has changed forever. I have to wonder... if AppleRankings is wrong about their apple rankings, what else could they be wrong about?

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