Saturday, November 24, 2018

How to Solve Who Shot Mr. Burns

A pretty well done video re-examining the case of Who Shot Mr. Burns and giving some of the clues that were hidden throughout the episode.

I've never talked to enough people about it to know whether my answer was obvious or perhaps "too obvious" but I always thought it was "obvious" that it was the dog, Santa's Little Helper.

First, the dog was left in the car with the gun. Mr. Burns speaks to someone who doesn't speak back and he doesn't react as if that's a strange thing. And he says "I think you better drop it. I said drop it!" which is clearly a dog phrase. Plus, it being a non-human no one would go to jail and they could carry on the show as if nothing happened.

Even if you were going to go down the route that Mr. Burns points to W and S on the sundial to somehow give a clue as to who did it - I've never bought that idea for a second - but even if you were doing that he pointed to "S" and "M" for Simpson's Mutt.

So I've always thought that that's the answer and I was so convinced, so sure that I was right that I've never accepted the "real" answer. It wasn't Maggie, it was the dog! Like I said, maybe my answer is so obvious that it would be too obvious and was intended to throw people off. I don't know, I'd need to talk to more people to see. But the even greater mystery is: how could there be a massive nationwide contest and not one person actually guessed the right answer? That may be proof that the real answer really was objectively very stupid.

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