Sunday, April 9, 2017

MST3K - Season 11

The new 11th season of Mystery Science Theater 3000 "drops" on Netflix this week. Friday April 14th, to be exact, and I can tell you it's going to be good.

If you're like me and you watch the hype and hoopla concerning the new season you'll see a lot being made of the special effects, the sets, the guest stars, the new bots, the new actors... All that is fine, and I'm a little curious about the special guest stars as well (Jerry Seinfeld), but as I said in a previous post, it's all about getting in the movie theater and making jokes and very little else about the show matters.

As a Kickstarter backer I was able to see the first episode before it gets officially released on Friday. And it's pretty great. They watch a terrible movie that I've never heard of in my life and the jokes are fast and furious. If I have any complaint, it's that the jokes were so fast it's hard to keep up at some points. It demands your full attention or you're going to miss a lot.

So, as a hardcore fan, I approve... I really enjoyed it... And I'm officially as excited about a "tv" show as I have been about any tv show in recent memory. It's back, somehow it really is back.

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