Friday, May 2, 2014

Movie Review: Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)

This is a slasher movie. And like many slasher movies, it begins with a group of sexy teens headed (unescorted by an adult) to a lake house. They have beer, bros and music and it's time to party. There is a legend that a group of teens was murdered at this very spot years earlier but that's not a big worry.... and there are a couple of creepy "mountain man" locals who seem to be staring and carrying scythes but no matter.

But this is where the movie gets interesting.

The movie steps back from the main college kid plot and follows the creepy locals to explore their perspective. It might be, we start to suspect, that they're actually fairly normal people. In fact, they might be pretty nice guys once you get to know them. I don't know, could it be, perhaps, that this whole "psycho killer" "mass murderer" thing is just one big misunderstanding? What if we sat down with the "slashers", had some chamomile tea and talked things over?

"Tucker & Dale vs. Evil" is an extremely clever turn on the slasher genre and a very funny comedy. Very much in the vein of "Shaun of the Dead" and certainly "The Cabin in the Woods". It's available now on Netflix Instant and definitely worth checking out.


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