Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Return of the Wolfwaker

For centuries the Wolfwaker had journeyed in solitude, thousands of light-years from the lush bosom of the Wolf Planet. He was the Chrylon 4 Star System's most gifted warrior, yet his nights were spent alone, huddled in his starship upon a meager buckwheat cushion, harmonic spear at his side.

And each new dawn, as he woke from restless slumber to the blinding haze of a white-hot intergalactic sun, he would raise his face to the heavens and wonder, "Will I ever know love?" 

And so it was that one day, a beautiful she-wolf appeared to him - thousands of years his junior - with a delicate snout and coat so supple, it set the very ions of the Wolfwaker's synthetic consciousness ablaze. For seven blissful harvests she shared his buckwheat cushion and the Wolfwaker at last knew peace in his loins. 

But he knew also that his destiny lay elsewhere and that he must travel onward without her... Ever onward, a scorching pillar of fusion flame, deeper and further amongst the stars, defending the wolves against sentinent, hyper-violent robotic overlords and waking them when they slept...

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