Friday, July 23, 2010

Radical Audience Suggestions

Late Night has a new segment where they take audience suggestions from the suggestion box. Such suggestions included "thumb mud wrestling" and "can I go to the bathroom". But I particularly found this one interesting:

Now, I don't want to be the one to evacuate the death star in our moment of triumph but something must be said. The original music is missing. It's probably a digital rights thing that they couldn't legally clear the epic track "Break the Ice" by John Farnham but come on! A huge percentage of the radness of that opening depends on the music. The movie and the song begins with soft, unsure synth only to explode later in a crotch-thrusting atomic guitar explosion. (This is the earliest foreshadowing that our hero, though insecure and unproven at first, will come to know that he's the best in the world in one shining moment.)

To put things in perspective, the clip without the correct music, on the awesomeness scale is an infinity. However, when the clip from the movie has the proper music, the awesomeness goes all the way to infinity squared. These numbers are unofficial but I hope they provide you with some perspective. You wouldn't go up to the Mona Lisa and paint a mustache on her. Why? Because perfect art should be respected.

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