Thursday, January 30, 2025

Late Show - Best of Chris Farley


20 minutes of Chris Farley on Letterman. The only thing that would make it better is if it was longer.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Key to Movie Theater Popcorn?


I have not confirmed this as true, and even though I am not Adventurous Chef Man, I'm very intrigued and have to try this.

I will try this, hold me to it.

Although I think the "everyone's wrong" drama is overwrought, I do enjoy the novelty of a cooking show hosted by Ned Ryerson. And "Groundhog Day" is approaching. What if I watched the movie with the popcorn?

Monday, January 27, 2025

Princess Diana

 Here's a photo of the car Princess Diana was in during her fatal car crash.

You can see the license plate (688LTV55) and that, while the front of the car might be in bad shape, the back and top are pristine. Here is another.

Here is a third.

Now the back window is gone and the top of the car is completely damaged and separated from the back. You can see these photos in the context of 'News' here.

Well maybe ambulance workers had to break the back window and cut the car to gain access.

Here's a photo of the first responders at the scene of the crash:

You can see this photo in context here

The car is now even more pristine and they're just using the door.

That's a bit weird, innit?

Popcorn in Bed - Gladiator


"Gladiator" is one of those classics that I should be re-watching consistently but, in reality, I can't tell you the last time I watched it. The first time I saw it in the theater, it was such an intense, transcendent,  experience but then every time I watched it thereafter I found I liked it a little less each time. So I stopped the bleeding.

If you've followed along, Carly is not a fan of violence in movies so watching "Gladiator" is at least a precarious proposition, if not a very bad idea.

I never put it together that Oliver Reed is in this as Proximo (the gladiator owner). All I know of him comes from the disastrous "Late Night" interview. His excellent performance is possibly due to the fact that he promised Ridley Scott he would not drink during production. According to Wikipedia, he went to an Irish bar, was challenged to a drinking match, accepted, and died of a heart attack. The rest of his scenes had to be completed with a body double and CGI.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Scorch Update for January 2025


Checking in on Scorch.

You gotta check in on Scorch. The latest is Scorch has never heard of Google Maps. It's always something.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

RIP Garth Hudson

The last remaining member of The Band, Garth Hudson, has passed away at 87.

Here is The Band (sans Robbie and Richard) performing on Late Show with the CBS Orchestra.

Monday, January 20, 2025

RedLetterMedia - Impressions

"Impressions" is a new game show where Rich, Josh (the new Josh) and Jay compete to see who is the best impressionist.

The key here is that the required impressions are randomized.... randomized.

It's interesting to note that Josh was Geoff, the robotic side-kick of Craig Ferguson.

Stay tuned until the end.

What is The Gout?

I've heard of "The Gout" for most of my life, here and there, and I have to admit I had no idea what it referred to. So I found this history and description of the ailment interesting.

I have to say, I suspect there's something still out there that I'm missing. Gout attacks people who eat rich foods (and alcohol) but isn't 2025 America is eating more richly than any of the aristocracy of history? Shouldn't gout be epidemic today? An internet search tells me gout affects 3.9% of the U.S, which isn't great, but isn't as high as I would expect.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Late Show - Remembering Bob Uecker

Bob Uecker has passed away and the Late Show has done its usual thing of releasing a video for them.

This one begins with Norm MacDonald telling a Bob Uecker story. I have no idea what is bleeped.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #2 (Laika)

Revisiting Arcade Fire's performance of "Neighborhood #2 (Laika)" on Conan. Of all the musical performances on Conan's "Late Night," this is my #2 all-time*. Perhaps I'm too easily impressed by chaotic percussionists and cute violinists. You decide.

Having loved this version, I listened to, and was disappointed by, the album version. The main key is this version's Talking Heads style vocals vs. the album version's distant bullhorn vocals. Plus, this has the live energy. The good news though is that the rest of the album is superb.

In 1957 the Russian space program launched a stray dog into space with no possibility of return. The dog's name was Laika.

* - In case you're interested, #1 was posted 8 years ago.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Christian Yacht Rock


First a summary of events from the Yacht or Nyacht Podcast(s) and then a personal anecdote.

On the Beyond Yacht Rock Podcast, Episode 99, they're listening to audience suggestions to determine, officially, whether the song is Yacht Rock. The suggestion is "Can't Stop Runnin'" by Roby Duke (above). The deck is stacked against it. They are decidedly anti-Christian and isn't Christian rock always lame? To top it off, the cover of the album, a photo of Roby himself, looks like this:

Rock Star.

But they listen to the song, and even with all these biases going against it, they are swayed that it is not just Yacht Rock, it garners a 90+ Yachtski score to be recognized as Essential Yacht Rock. They don't want to believe but the power of smooth music is undeniable and irrefutable. For the purposes of this narrative, it was like that clip where Susan Boyle goes on a show and everyone's like "Ugh, ugly people can't sing" and then she sings and everyone is shocked that ugly people can sing. It's just like that.

The floodgates are open. In the Yacht or Nyacht Podcast, Episode 35, they give "Seasons of Change" by Roby Duke an even higher score on the Yachtski Scale - 92.5 - another Essential song. In YONP Episode 58 it's Roby Duke's "All Lost" (below). The result is a lower score but still in the upper echelons of Yacht Rock canon. Finally, for completeness, in YONP Episode 60 they determine that Duke's "Dreams Alive" from 1989 is not Yacht.

"All Lost" and "Can't Stop Runnin'" are my personal favorites so those are the two I've embedded here.

And now a personal anecdote.

When I was a young teen, this one singer would sometimes visit my church to do concerts and/or lead the music in the service. I always especially enjoyed when he would make an appearance because he had such a relaxed, casual, somewhat goofy style. He was constantly talking, telling stories and making jokes, even at the expense of the music, if need be. He was like 60% singer with an acoustic guitar, 30% storyteller and 10% stand-up comedian. And when you're a kid in church, that's a really great break from the norm. The singer was Roby Duke.

The thing was, every time I saw him it was pretty much him with an acoustic guitar; he may have had a backing track sometimes but it was never a full band. Furthermore, I only saw him in church, I never investigated any of his albums. So how shocking it was to find that a small Yacht Rock podcast is listening to the "unknown acoustic guitar guy." And how much more shocking to find that he was not just a Yacht Rock artist all along but actually a Yacht Rock legend. Mind blowing.

Roby Duke's albums today are rare and seem to fetch hefty prices; some are apparently being imported from Japan. I learn from the internet that Roby Duke died in 2007. RIP.

Monday, January 6, 2025

The Charismatic Voice - Faithfully


It's a little Journey, come on.

While this is one of my favorite Journey songs (perhaps #2), I really hate the music video. It's part of a genre of music videos from the late 80s and early 90s about the dreariness of touring which was so repetitive as to become monotonous. Sitting on the tour bus, getting on and off of planes, occasional black and white footage, roadies hauling equipment - oh being a rock star is drudgery - isn't living the dream a nightmare?

I haven't been able to define the genre sufficiently because I never gave it a name and didn't collect enough examples. Motley Crue "Home Sweet Home" and Bon Jovi "Wanted Dead or Alive" both flirt with the genre but don't ultimately succumb to it. The genre-defining examples I had were Journey "Faithfully" and Genesis "Throwing It All Away." I think there are a million examples out there but I needed to do more research and never got around to it.

Oh, and I think my thoughts are independent here but just in case, the Beyond Yacht Rock Podcast has an episode that defines the genre "This Was Supposed to be Fun" which is songs about the difficulties of touring. But they're talking about a type of song and I was thinking of a type of music video.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Youtube's Thumbnail


The thumbnail for "The Hunt for Red October" on youtube is blue. Who are the ad wizards who came up with that one?