Sunday, June 23, 2024

Review: Wendy's No Beans Chili

 Yes, reviewing Wendy's fast food chili would be sad and pointless but what I'm reviewing is actually this:

Wandering around a grocery store other than my regular, I found a can of Wendy's No Beans Chili and had to get it. I've never seen anything like this before. Does Wendy's sell store burger? Store fries? As far as I know, no, but here's their chili on a store shelf.

Trying it, it's tomato forward with chunks of mystery meat and just a hint of spice. In short, it tastes like the chili you get at Wendy's minus the beans.

But why take away the beans? Chili isn't chili without beans. And it's not like you cut them out to save money, beans are cheap. Doesn't make sense. Well apparently Wendy's chili is available on Amazon and it's available with beans, so I guess it's down to just what my grocery store decided to offer.

If anyone knows of Wendy's Frosties being sold in stores, let me know immediately.

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