Friday, May 26, 2023

The First Plinko and Etc.

In a previous post, "Various TV Series Online," I spread the good news that the entire "Joy of Painting" series with Bob Ross was on Amazon. I thought that this was so singular and special it never occurred to me to check my assumptions. It turns out that the entire series is also on youtube and has been for a few years without me knowing.

They also have new shows (different painter), a podcast (not sure what it is and how that makes sense)  and are currently doing a Memorial Day Marathon, which you can be just in time for.

In that same previous post I speculated about the future of "The Price is Right" coming to streaming. I should have also checked those assumptions - I think I was looking at Amazon at the time - because there is an official "The Price is Right - The Barker Era" youtube channel. The only hitch is that it's a highlights channel and not full episodes.

So with that in mind, here is the first ever game of Plinko:

I may be wrong but it seems like an excessive amount of explanation for such a simple premise. And it really feels like Bob's trying to sell it, like it's a failing game that needs help.

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