Monday, July 27, 2020

William Shatner Responds

Captain Kirk has responded to RLM's latest video here.

I have to say, I predicted it, pretty much. I said:

Captain Kirk seems to have a habit of seeing the first few seconds of a video, taking it literally, stopping it before it gets good and coming away with the worst take possible. In this video, they start out with moronic Star Trak mistakes before they get to anything substantive.

And he absolutely did that very thing.

The relevant part of the response:

I honestly haven’t watched it but someone sent me ‘the most important part of the video’ as a clip to watch because “Mike is crying because he is so upset.” (Note: I honestly don’t know if this is even in their video or if it’s from some other video of theirs but it is the two of them)
So what they are doing is using the fanbase they have cultivated into a mob of trolls to get eyeballs on their monetized videos without a care for anyone and nobody has heard of these guys but if all of their videos are getting hundred of thousands of views then they are laughing all the way to the bank!

The one thing I couldn't predict was that there would be a giant medium post "article". And another baffling thing is where Shatner gets the idea that Red Letter Media is connected to Breitbart. Bill creates so many misunderstandings, he should be on "Three's Company".

He wants to complain about online "toxicity" and "harassment"... what is it when you make unfounded accusations in writing? Every principle must apply equally to everyone. He thinks Red Letter Media incited their fans to go after him, what does he think his own fans are going to do in response to this "article"? Is this the dumbest online controversy of all-time? Isn't Social Media awesome?

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