Sunday, January 31, 2010

Is SNL Reading My Mind???

All throughout the Summer of 2008, me and a friend at work would periodically send a (now deleted) youtube link to each other that is essentially a shorter version of this video:

[Youtube Video Removed]

Love that song. The clip, in case you don't recognize it, is one from one of the opening scenes of "The Lost Boys" a defining movie of my youth.

The idea was you send a video link, the other person doesn't know what it is, click... oops, oily buff guy playing sax again! A catchy 80's song, a guy that's oily, buff, playing sax and, as if the clip needed more, is constantly "thrusting" his hips; this clip has it all. We'd send it to each other, I posted it on forums, I emailed people with it, I sent it via IM... I basically felt that, for me, this the new "rickroll". Apparently no one else agreed. I assure you that not only did this "rickroll" never catch on with the general public, it didn't even make the leap beyond two people!

And so I was a little astonished, watching Saturday Night Live yesterday, when this sketch aired on a nationally televised television show. See if there's any doubt in your mind as to what joke/reference is being made here and consider how truly obscure and random it would have to be:

Yeah, and I still believe.

1 comment:

  1. The ending was either disturbing or terrifying, not sure which.
