Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Popcorn in Bed - Sabrina (1995)

 I usually only post reactions to movies that I really love but I'm making an exception for "Sabrina," a movie to which I'm quite indifferent.

I want to say I don't get this movie, and actually I don't get the cast. The competition between Harrison Ford and Greg Kinnear is no competition at all. I get Greg Kinnear as the comedic relief or the supporting cast but I don't get him as a heartthrob. Do women disagree?

There is certainly a certain amount of heartthrob star power that is socially constructed, especially with men. In "Lars and the Real Girl," a movie about a delusional man who falls in love with a doll, they needed a real loser type, a real creep so they cast Ryan Gosling. And then that's 2007 and then a few years later he's the most attractive leading man in Hollywood. Between the two, he didn't receive a brand new face, it's the same guy. 

On the flip side of that you can look at Nick Nolte (People's Sexiest Man Alive 1992) and sex symbol Burt Reynolds (I'm not going to research his bonafides because my search history is getting weird, but, trust me, he was the sex symbol of his day) who each went from attractive to untouchable in a few years even with no objective change to their appearance.

So maybe I'm biased toward Harrison Ford because I've seen "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones." I wonder if you polled women who had never seen his movies, would they think he was an average middle-aged guy? But the funny thing is, Cassie from the above video, is one such data point for that question. When she started her channel, she hadn't seen Harrison Ford and now he's a favorite romantic lead.

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